Joining the team to help the design migration from iOS React to Unity engine maximising player and game potential. Working within two week sprints focusing on one task at a time, the team and I were able to quickly complete areas of focus to ensure an on time launch of the game.
My key focuses while working with DREST was to:
DREST merges the creative worlds of luxury fashion, beauty and lifestyle with the infinite possibilities of the metaverse. The ultimate fashion playground, a unique space where brands, entertainment platforms and talent can connect with an audience keen to discover, experience and be part of a creative community. Over 250 of the world’s top brands are featured in the DREST metaverse.
This feature was a new introduction to the Unity side of DREST. Its core purpose was the display different challenges the player could complete to gain points with would account to their event reward track level, as well as also pushing the player to explore other areas or style challenges of the game.
Working closely with the game designers on this the first major hurdle to overcome was the design of the tasks menu and to feed back to the player the levels of how difficulty level of the task, a fast-track button to starting the task, and success of completing the task. With a strong consideration toward the players emotion and ensuring that its kept high, adding light shimmers and elements loading into the bar I was able to tap into the delight.
The menu UI took character of a fashion designers notebook with collage photos and top banner replicating the current event theme with countdown-timer to show how long till challenges are renewed.
The primary feature for DREST Avenue is to create a place where players have the option to purchase the digital clothes they use in-game, in reality.
When designing this area, I had to consider three inputs.
Each of the three require different needs and finding harmony between them all.
The player being the primary focus, the first interaction with the avenue is the shop window, which, is an engaging space of movement, which, features the players custom avatar or one of DREST's models wearing latest trending clothing. Players can tap clothing revealing a pop up car where they can tap to be taken to FarFetch's website to continue their purchase journey. the other price featured is the DREST Dollar price as the game does not feature an actual checkout system.
Part of the incentive to bring players to the avenue is offering them a free gift daily, however, this gift is hidden behind a luxury intermission. Here the player will need to for example swipe left or right of a few items of clothing just saying whether they like it or not. This data capture is a benefit for DREST to be able to then sell back to brands on consumer insight.
Brand partnerships are areas in which brands can rent to advertise latest clothing and trends.
The rest of the avenue consists of product recommendation engines, suggesting items of clothing that players tend to use more frequently in-game. Also interdicting social recognition around how many DREST players have liked that particular item and which of your friends are also using items of clothing too.